
The Benefits Of Social Media

The number of social media users around the globe is growing at an increasing rate, you can pretty much go anywhere in the world and everyone you meet will have least heard about Facebook or Instagram. I’m sure we all know that social media also gets bad press from time to time, I guess it’s to be expected when over a billion people are using it.

I still believe that when used correctly social media has a ton of benefits. When you have such a fantastic free resource available at your fingertips you need to take advantage of it.

Store Your Memories

So many people forget that they have loads of photos uploaded to their social media, they don’t have to keep it on hard rives or uses – it’s right there on Facebook or instagram. You can go back and reminisce anytime you want, download photos when you need them and add as many as you like. When I go to my friend Paul Hurdsfield facebook page I can see that he has hundreds of awesome photos from his travels – and they’re all there stored for free!

Stay In Contact

Can you imagine how many friends our parents have lost contact with? We’re super lucky that we still have the ability to contact with hundreds of people that we know, ok we might not speak to them very often but if needed we can. If you want to organise a reunion now it’s simple! You can also stay in contact with your loved ones when you travel, if we had to pay for overseas calls we’d hardly call home – social media lets us call the other side of the globe for free.

Good For Business

Have a business you want to promote and don’t want to spend a fortune? Then social media is the answer. Small businesses now have the ability reach hundreds of people with a simple ad, what’s more is that they can also target the group they want. If you have a business and you’re not taking advantage of things like Facebook advertising then you need to today!

What’s your opinion of social media? I would like to hear what you think the benefits are. All you have to do is pop your thoughts in the comment section below. Thanks for sharing, I’m really looking forward to reading what you share.

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