Trip Base has put together a fun project, My 7 Links, which is sort of like a chain letter for travel bloggers. We are nominated by another blogger to participate, and we answer the seven questions below. Then we nominate five more people, each of whom write a post like this with their seven links. I was nominated by Amanda at Dangerous Business. Here are my answers!
1. Your most beautiful post
Exploring the Misty Fjords of Alaska’s Inside Passage
Alaska is one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited, with towering mountains, massive glaciers, majestic bald eagles, and much more. I encountered incredible natural beauty on this trip in the Inside Passage.
2. Your most popular post
Should You Take Ambien When Flying?
It’s funny–this was one of my first blog posts on Maiden Voyage, and it continues to send me the most search traffic out of any article on my site. You wouldn’t believe how many searches people do on Ambien and travel!
3. Your most controversial post
Q&A: Why Gen X & Y Should Consider Using Travel Agents
I know that most people in my age group would rather use Orbitz online than a travel agent on the phone or in person, so I decided to interview a travel agent to see how it could benefit us. The responses were very interesting!
4. Your most helpful post
Experts Speak: How to Prevent and Treat Travelers’ Diarrhea
Nearly every traveler (including myself) experiences this dreaded malady at least once. I did a large amount of research and interviews, and put together this long article full of great tips on how to avoid and treat travelers’ diarrhea. The comments had lots of great anecdotes and tips!
5. A post whose success surprised you
A Downside of Istanbul: Those Pesky Hustlers
When I went to Istanbul, I was so frustrated with the in-your-face men who shouted at me, followed me, and even meowed at me. I didn’t realize so many people had experienced a similar situation, or at least had strong opinions about the subject. It started a great conversation, some who agreed with me and some who didn’t. Other comments provided great tips.
. A post you feel didn’t get the attention it deserved:
Adventure Philosophy: Q&A with Roadmonkey CEO Paul von Zielbauer
I did a long phone interview with Paul, who is such a fascinating person with such interesting experiences and philosophies. His new adventure company is like nothing else I’d ever heard of. I know it was a long post, but I was surprised more people weren’t interested!
7. The post that you are most proud of
What I Learned in the Slums of Mexico
Volunteering in Mexico was one of the most pivotal experiences in my life. I was exposed to severe poverty for the first time, and it taught me to forever be grateful for even the smallest things, such as a toothbrush. The lessons I learned there will always remain with me, and I wrote this heartfelt post about it.