Tips and More

How Can You Become a Modern-Day Adventurer?

If you’ve watched Stephen Spielberg’s classic Indiana Jones films, you’ll be familiar with the stereotypical notion of so-called explorer or adventurer: a white, middle-class male in khaki teaching local peoples how to run their lives.  Of course, this romanticised version of what adventurers are and is quite far from the truth!

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Adventurers Past and Present

In the past, adventurers have been those people who have sought out new lands.  Take Sir Walter Raleigh, for example, who worked for Queen Elizabeth I.  Raleigh was absolutely instrumental in the colonization of North America.  He was also a poet and a bit of an eccentric – very different from Indiana Jones.

At present, there are a variety of roles which exhibit the traits of those old, classic adventurers.  Astronauts are excellent examples.  Not content with sitting on our own planet, humans have already set-off across the solar system.  Similarly, many scientists also consider themselves adventurers.  This is because they expand the possibilities and horizons of what it means to be human. This is obviously a different kind of adventuring, but it is adventuring all the same.


Exploring Your Own Horizons

If you don’t want adventuring to be your profession, you can still make sure that the time off you have is put to good use by going on smaller adventure holidays or longer travelling sessions.

An adventure can take you anywhere, for any reason.  Perhaps one of the most popular reasons people go adventuring is to allow them time away from their normal work.  For example, would you be interested in a short hike across the three peaks of Yorkshire on your weekend off?  This is the sort of adventure that you can do all in a day, and will give your weekend a greater sense of purpose.

If you want to go further afield, there are travelling holidays which will take you all around the world.  When choosing a destination to explore, some people pick the place first, then choose the event they’re going to participate in – a hike, a climb, a balloon ride.  Others who are more open to the location will find the experience which sounds interesting, regardless of the location.

The best experiences come when you’re not expecting them.  Adventure holidays like those offered by Nepal Uncovered, which may not be on your radar, would be a good place to start checking.  If you push yourself, there’s every opportunity to be a modern-day adventurer, whether you’re looking for a long travelling experience or just a short weekend trip.

A generation 'y'er from Ireland, living his dreams and convincing you to do the same. Traveling through more than 90 countries around the world and showing no signs of slowing down