
Get others inspired with you safari pics

Hey guys, I have to tell you all about the latest photo competition that I’m entering this month! The amazing people over at have opened an awesome competition for us to show off our finest African safari photos.

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There’s a little over 36 days for everyone to submit their photos to the Africa Points’ #incredibleAfrica15 photo competition. The idea is for everyone to share their photos from their safari experience so it inspires others to head out and experience first hand just how special a safari really is.

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If you haven’t been on a safari there’s no need to worry because you can still take part by voting on your favourite photos. I must warn you that after looking through the awesome photos that have already been submitted, you might get itchy feet and book a safari right there and then!

I nearly forgot to mention that there is an amazing prize on offer – this is a competition after all! Africa Point are offering the winner of the grand prize a 5 day safari in Kenya for 2 people. If you ask me that’s one of of the best prizes I have seen in a long time. It only takes a few minutes to submit your photo, so what are you waiting for? Visit the African safari photo contest to submit your work and throw your hat in the ring to win the grand prize. Best of luck everyone!