With so many credit cards and other financial deals offering you ways to build frequent flyer miles, all you have to do is think about how you want to use them. They can be a help if you travel a lot for work or personal reasons, and they can save you money. Or, you can […]
Australia & New Zealand Cruise Holidays
The abundant natural beauty and excellent weather of Australia and New Zealand make this region a natural choice for those wishing to experience a top-quality cruise vacation. The ports of call feature activities such as wine tasting at various vineyards, exploration of historic settlements, snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef and witnessing up-close the colorful […]
Top 5 places to visit while studying in London
London is one of the greatest cities in the world: a vibrant, bustling metropolis, bursting at the seams with culture, history and unique experiences. If you’re studying in London, make the most of your stay by checking out some of these fantastic activities that every Londoner should attempt. Victoria & Albert Museum The much-loved V&A […]
How to Spend a Weekend in Lake Tahoe
San Franciscans head to Tahoe for a weekend getaway packed with outdoor adventure on the regular. Whether they’re heading out for a weekend on the slopes, ready to hit the lake or just looking for a chance at some fresh, mountain air, Lake Tahoe has no off-season. But it’s not just a weekend destination for […]
My 3 Favourite Valentine's Day Date Spots in Tokyo
Love is in the air, as they say. Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and I’m willing to bet that there are lots of guys and girls out there, struggling to think of good places to take their significant other. Fear not, as I’ve devised a list of the best places for you to woo your […]
Holiday in Indonesia
My holiday to Indonesia was long-awaited and blessed with gorgeous weather as I arrived to a cloudless sky, sparkling beach and incredibly friendly locals. I arrived to Jimbaran Bay at the start of the weekend, having heard that this cute little fishing village was a quiet spot to avoid the major tourist traps, with a […]
3 Nice Places to go to in Santorini
Yes, we just can’t get enough of Santorini. This is probably one of the most breath-taking places in the whole world. It’s so genuinely dramatically romantic that you’d want to stay there. The best way to explore Santorini would be by foot but if it’s your first time, you’d be better off joining a tour […]
Trans-America Rail Tour: Your Holiday Highlight of 2013?
What better way to kick-start the New Year than with a fantastic, once in a lifetime trip to look forward to? Discover all that the States has to offer on this amazing trans-American adventure, taking in three epic railroad excursions as you journey from the Pacific to the Atlantic coast. Sunny San Francisco Your adventure […]
5 Tips for First-Time Chicago Travelers
The Windy City is a fairly easy place destination to navigate. Many people have a few set attractions in mind before they come, and fill the rest of their time with whatever comes up along the way. Plenty of things come up along the way, and while some are the good things that make your […]
Sundance Film Festival
For all you film aficionados, Park City, Utah will be the perfect place for you, as the Sundance Film Festival makes its triumphant return to the city’s snowy slopes this January 17 to 27! The premier showcase of Independent films the world over, this year’s Sundance Film Festival is built to impress! With promising […]
Volunteering in Thailand
It’s no secret that Thailand is a place of beauty. The juxtaposed cultural nuances of modernity and tradition, usher even the most seasoned traveller into new experiences that they won’t have had, anywhere else in the world. One of the best ways to see Thailand, in terms of both cost and experience, is to volunteer. […]
Getting the Know of the Glitz and Glamour of Las Vegas
Las Vegas comes alive at night, when the city gets dark and the lights get sparkling. Whilst there, I took the night tour and lo and behold, I got the sight of my life when the city turned on its blinding lights. Basically, the tour takes you through the famous Las Vegas Strip. It takes […]