
Top Tips for a Trekking Holiday

Trekking is an activity that can be an incredibly fulfilling and adventurous way to spend a holiday. It’s not for the faint of heart and mind, as trekking takes stamina and endurance, both physical and mental. If you’re up for the challenge, you can cross a very impressive feat off your list, especially if you conquer a mountain like Everest! Check out our tips for a successful trek:


Train early

Depending on the trek you choose, you may need to do quite a bit of training beforehand. It’s important to make sure your body is in the physical shape needed to make it through the entire trek, because you might not have a convenient place to stop along the way if you fall behind. Build up your fitness and strength gradually, giving yourself plenty of months to train.

Pick the right footwear

The footwear you choose will greatly impact the quality of your trekking journey. And picking the wrong footwear can completely ruin your trip. Make sure you get high quality hiking shoes that support your ankle, but watch out for shoes that have high ankle cuffs because these can cause chafing.

Practice with your backpack

Part of your training can be walking on similar terrain with your backpack packed as heavily as it will be on the real trek. You’ll be carrying it for days on end, so you might as well get used to feeling it and learning how to move comfortably with it on your back. You might even want to go on practice treks in similar conditions and clothing that you will go on the real trek. Check out the great outdoor gear from Royal Robbins that can really make your trek a great experience.

Fuel and hydrate

On the actual trek itself, it will be important to fuel yourself with frequent, small meals. Bring along lots of things you can eat quickly on the go, with high protein and carbohydrates for energy. And don’t forget the impact of drinking an ample amount of water. Staying hydrated is the number one way to stay safe and energized on your trek. If you wait to drink until you are thirsty, it means you are already dehydrated. Prevent this by traveling with a large water bottle and carrying plenty of water supply.