Tips and More

The Zenith: Backpacking on your Honeymoon

Once the knot has been tied, whether you had a conventional one or not, the romance now has room to grow; what a honeymoon is all about!

When you’re looking for the perfect honeymoon, there are all these packaged trips on isolated islands with the picture perfect allure, but that may not ring right with you. You’re young, free and not-so single, and this means only one thing; the world is your oyster. What better choice than a backpacking honeymoon that will meet these chimerical notions?

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Backpacking in the truest sense is all about hiking and camping on one trip however we can stretch it a tad here to include the beauty of travel as you go. It does not necessarily have to be associated with bad food, dingy hostels and a nomadic-like lifestyle. ‘Flashpacking’ is the fundamentals of your typical backpacking experience with added class. Yurt and breakfast included! However, you can see have a great backpacking experience on a budget too. Still not sure if backpacking is for you? Check out these pros and cons…


Backpacking Cons

  • Research is essential when broaching such an escapade: this may affect the weather conditions if it is the rainy season for instance in certain Asian/African countries or if you did not realise that you would be travelling in their winter and have an abundance of inappropriate clothes to wear!
  • Coordinating all the details on a backpacking trip is fundamental to its success. Backpacking is volatile, sometimes there is a mishap or two with overbookings, delays and/or cancellations and having a contingency plan is essential.
  • It also does involve being around a commune and perhaps that may not be exactly what a honeymoon couple would ideally wish for…
  • Right after your wedding, it’s likely you may already be exhausted. Carrying your luggage around would be last straw! If this is you, stick to the traditional holiday!
  • Lastly, if there are any real disasters, refunds are very difficult to chase.


Backpacking Pros

  • What better way to embrace a number of cultures on one great trip…
  • There is the freedom to travel coupled with the thrifty amount you’ll save, ideal if you have a strict budget plan or want to be careful: do check the Wedding Site for tips.
  • This is the age of internet travel so it has never been easier to organise your perfect backpacking trip. The hotels, transport, transfers between airports, plus the additional visas can all be organised at ease.

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Each trip is unique and perhaps you want to add a camel trek across a desert or a llama trail up a mountain: the novelty of such an adventure is born from within and something that is shared with your soul mate.

A decision needs to be made by both of you: where do you fancy going? The world is truly at your fingertips. Why not, discuss your favourite foods and make that the starting point!


A generation 'y'er from Ireland, living his dreams and convincing you to do the same. Traveling through more than 90 countries around the world and showing no signs of slowing down