Amanda in Alaska
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Guest Post: 6 Ways to be a More Adventurous Traveler

The following is a guest post by Amanda Williams.

As a country, America doesn’t travel much. In fact, based on all the figures I’ve seen, less than 30 percent of Americans even own passports.

Amanda in Alaska

Why is this? Money is probably one reason. And the fact that we’re all about work, work, work in the U.S. is probably another. And I’d be willing to bet that fear of the unknown also factors in.

Well, America, don’t be afraid. Being adventurous while traveling doesn’t necessarily have to include jumping out of planes, eating creepy-crawlies or cage diving with sharks (though these things certainly are adventurous). Instead, being adventurous can be different for every traveler. For some, it could include scaling a mountain or navigating some treacherous stretch of land or sea, while for others it could be as simple as trying a new food or traveling without a step-by-step itinerary.

Here are six tips for being more adventurous on your next trip:


1. Go someplace new

We all get comfortable. Whether it’s always going to the same restaurant on Saturday night, or always choosing the same vacation locale, we settle into routines. To be more adventurous, why not shake up that routine? Instead of that usual trip to Florida or Paris, why not look a little further afield? There’s a big world out there, and your favorite destination will still be there next time.

Amanda bungee jumping

If you don’t want to be THAT adventurous, perhaps just pick a different city to visit in your favorite state or country, or even just stay in a different type of lodging than you normally would. Even the smallest changes in routine can lead to a totally new experience.

2. Step out of your comfort zone

Continuing from the first point, simply stepping out of your comfort zone is incredibly important if you’re looking to be adventurous. Try something you’ve never tried before – or, better yet, try something you’re afraid of.

Go hiking even though you’re not an outdoors person. Go on a pub tour in Ireland even though you don’t drink. Go bungee jumping in New Zealand even through you’re afraid of heights.

You might be surprised to discover new things about yourself when you push yourself to new limits. Travel is often all about self-discovery, and stepping out of your comfort zone will definitely set you on the right path.

3. Eat at least one new food

Amanda eating in Wellington
Amanda eating in Wellington

Food is one comfort zone people are often unwilling to step out of. You don’t have to be Andrew Zimmern when you travel. Some of us just can’t handle the deep-fried slugs or still-wriggling octopus on our plates, and that’s okay. But, no matter where you go, there will likely be a local specialty or genre of food. Try it; you might like it.

This could be as simple as trying Vegemite on a bite of toast in Australia, or as daring as crunching into a fried grasshopper in southeast Asia. You don’t have to go crazy; take baby steps. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be eating rotting shark meat in no time.

4. Meet new people

Amanda with friends in Hobbiton
Amanda with friends in Hobbiton

Whether you’re traveling in a group or on your own, meeting new people can enhance your travel experience. Go ahead – be adventurous and chat up that cute guy at the hostel bar. Ask questions of the locals. At the very least, they’ll be able to tell you about all the off-the-beaten-track places you should visit.

Even if your travel relationships fizzle, experiencing a new place (or even an old one) with new people will give you a different insight than if you experienced it on your own. And, meeting new people often gives you the opportunity to open up, reinvent yourself, and leave that comfort zone behind.

5. Visit a country where you don’t speak the language

Amanda in Shanghai
Amanda in Shanghai

One of the most adventurous things you can do while traveling is to visit a country where you don’t speak the language. It’s confusing and scary and wonderful. Not only is the culture likely to be different from your own, but you will also be forced to find new ways to communicate. You may be surprised to find that meaning and understanding doesn’t always have to come through the spoken word. You can make connections with strangers in all sorts of ways, and realizing this can lead to some pretty worthwhile discoveries.

6. Travel without a plan – or a map

Most people travel with at least some idea of where they will stay, what they will do, and where they will go next. Why not try leaving all these plans behind for once? Leave the itinerary and maps at home, and simply let the adventure take you where it will.

Take wrong turns, get lost, and discover new things along the way; let the travel experience guide you. This mode of travel may not be the right fit for everyone, but for those willing to give it a try, it can make for one of the most interesting kinds of adventures.


The most important thing to remember is that travel can be whatever you make it. There’s no right or wrong way, as long as you get out there and do it. So, go ahead. Get that passport and embark upon a new adventure.

Amanda is a 20-something college grad with a journalism degree under her belt, which she plans to use to rid the world of bad grammar and “there, their, they’re” confusion. After studying abroad in New Zealand, Amanda has decided she’d love to move there one day so she can wear jandals, eat hokey pokey ice cream, and continue pretending she understands the rules of rugby. When not working or blogging, Amanda can usually be found dreaming of her next travel adventure, wherever that may be. Follow her at A Dangerous Business or on Twitter @DangerousBiz.

A generation 'y'er from Ireland, living his dreams and convincing you to do the same. Traveling through more than 90 countries around the world and showing no signs of slowing down