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Five Advantages of Single Travel

More people than ever are venturing into the big, wide world on their own when holiday time comes around. Social taboos are long gone and there’s a beautiful movement of single people deciding to hit the road solo rather than waiting around for someone to join them.

So rather than hesitate next time you think about galivanting around the globe due to a lack of holiday partners, check out a guide to singles holidays abroad here, and read on for five great reasons why you too should travel as a singleton.

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A) Meeting New People

An unfortunate byproduct of modern life means that often the only opportunity we have to meet new people generally comes from the workplace, and perhaps the gym or a bar. That’s not a wide net to case. However, if you venture out on a single holiday, everyone is in the same situation. Single, open minded and ready to connect with new people, whether that be friendship or romance. Many lasting relationshiops are created on this wonderful trips, and when you put together a group of like minded folks, that’s completely understandable. So take the plunge and broaden your horizons.

B) The Beauty of Selfishness

Too many cooks are said to spoil the broth. Well we don’t have to worry abotu that if you plan to go on a single holiday. You’re free to choose any destination you want, there are no family politics, no discussions about destinations. You can cut costs and spend lavishly, the choice remains soley yours, and there’s a beauty in that. Looking after your own interested, answering your own preferences surely allows you to have one of the most amazing trips of your life.

C) Solitude

A holiday should be everything you dream of. You’ve worked hard for your time off, you’ve earned the right to kick back and relax, and sometimes that means you may want to stick your nose in a book for a few days on end. Maybe you want to lazily lounge by the pool and talk to no-one, and on a single holiday, that’s entirely fine. You don’t have to answer to anyone, nor are you obliged to small talk. Converse on your own terms, or not at all. It’s all up to you. It’s difficult to find pure solitude on holidays with friends, loved ones or family so use this time to recharge those batteries.

D) Be Yourself, or anyone else

No one will know you. You can be anyone you want to be. Now, while we’re not advocating you convincing your new friends that you’re a footballing superstar, it’s true that you can be all that you’ve always wanted to be. You can be true to yourself, remove the shackles that your home life may have applied to you. Open your mind, follow your dreams, be more extroverted, let loose, there’s very little accountability, no one is there to judge you so don’t worry about keeping up with the jones. This holiday is for you, first and foremost.

E) Confidence building

A common benefit that newbie single travelers report is the huge boost to their confidence. People who may have left their home, nervous to board the plane and meet new people, come back with a new lease of life. Their self esteem has been boosted by the new friendships that have been made. Positive reinforcement, a new,larger social group, the understanding that you’re independant and now can venture further and further afield all contributes to a highe self worth and a new level of inner confidence.

So while traveling single, on a singles holiday, may seem daunting at first there’s really no reason to be intimidated. Take the plunge, and you’ll gain a host of benefits. Good luck.

A generation 'y'er from Ireland, living his dreams and convincing you to do the same. Traveling through more than 90 countries around the world and showing no signs of slowing down