
Finding the right lingerie for you

All women are unique and come in many shapes and sizes; it doesn’t matter what size that happens to be they are all beautiful in their own way. The problem is that this uniqueness can often make finding the right lingerie for one’s body challenging. This article will focus on some steps you can take to help you find the right fit that will flatter your body and at the same time be comfortable.


Measure again

It is important to realize that your body is constantly changing and keep an up-to-date set of measurements that you can work with. A lot of women are using older measurements to determine what kind of lingerie they should be buying, but this is a mistake. The problem may not be the lingerie brands themselves, but the cup shape and size!

Focus on your body type

Your body type can be one of the determining factors in finding the right lingerie for you and it is important to give yourself a broad category to fit into. Sometimes it can be as simple as defining this category and using a search engine to look for brands that cater to it. There are many specialist brands that focus more on different body types, for example, more athletic or busty women.

Ask friends and family

Since the dawn of time women have shared advice with one another and lingerie should not be an exception. Everyone is likely to have a different opinion on what works for them, but can help point you in the right direction. Perhaps you have a friend that has similar measurements or body type to you, she may be able to point you in the right direction for things that have worked for her before.

Remember that your friends and family are much more likely to be honest with you and won’t be inclined to “sell” something to you that you don’t want or need.

Figure out what you want

Some women just want to feel comfortable in what they are wearing, whereas others are looking for the style factor when it comes to their lingerie. It is important to think about the general purpose and function of the lingerie you want. For example, will you be wearing it every day or will you just be wearing it on special occasions with a very specific piece of clothing?


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