Tips and More

Check Out My Guest Post on A Dangerous Business

Travel rarely goes as smoothly as planned. Flights are delayed, hotels mess up our bookings, suitcases get lost, travelers’ diarrhea arrives at the most inconvenient times, and all kinds of other hurdles pop up unexpectedly. While all travelers know in the back of the mind that these things may happen, one thing many of us don’t think about is potentially having problems with our travel partner.

This isn’t something solo travelers have to worry about, but regardless of whether you are traveling with a family member, friend, or loved one, it’s likely that you will find yourselves in a disagreement somewhere down the road. This may not happen to everyone, but I have had some major fights with family members on trips. I’ve also had situations where I’ve traveled with friends and realized that we had very different things in mind for our trip. I have several friends who have also experienced major drama with a travel partner at some point in their life, and my guess is that it’s not too uncommon.

Earlier this week, I wrote a guest post for the wonderful travel blog A Dangerous Business about five ways to avoid problems with your travel partner. I hope that you never have to experience travel partner drama, but just in case, I hope you’ll read the post and feel more prepared for your next trip.

A generation 'y'er from Ireland, living his dreams and convincing you to do the same. Traveling through more than 90 countries around the world and showing no signs of slowing down