Tools and Gear

Culture Shock

Culture shock is a common phenomenon among expats. It’s difficult to define a precise meaning, but here are some ways to recognise it and deal with it so that it impacts as little as possible on your transition to a new culture: Recognising culture shock Usually within the first few months of living in a […]

Tools and Gear

Time-saving travel: how to use the cloud when exploring the world

Tech nerds, freelancing expats and digital natives alike will concur that the advent of the cloud has made travelling the world exponentially easier. Gone are the days when we all lived in secret fear of losing that USB with our entire lives’ accumulation of files on it; the days of the floppy disk and CD […]

johnny ward digital nomad
Tools and Gear

Why to bring a smartphone backpacking

Deciding whether or not you need to bring a phone backpacking is a question every traveller asks themselves before leaving home. Most people own smartphones now and they are definitely a handy thing to have when you’re travelling so it might be time to invest. overnigh If you’re heading off, you’ll probably want to bring […]

Destinations Tools and Gear

5 Winter Activities in Lapland

When people think of going on holiday, the vast majority seem to gravitate towards tropical climates, relaxed beaches, and other places where they can feel the sun on their faces and sand between their toes. This probably makes a lot of sense to the average individual. But for some, the call of adventure extends beyond […]